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The signature power of all Green Lanterns is the ability to conjure “constructs”: solid green objects that the Green Lantern can control telekinetically. These can be anything, such as a disembodied fist to beat a foe, a shield to block an attack, a sword to cut a rope, or chains to bind a prisoner. Whatever their shape or size, these constructs are always pure green in color, unless a Lantern is skillful enough to know how to change the EM spectrum the construct emits. Hal Jordan has shown the ability to have a construct emit Kryptonite radiation under Batman’s guidance.
The rings of the Green Lantern Corps allow their bearers to travel very quickly across interstellar distances, fast enough that they can efficiently patrol the Universe. They allow the wearer to survive in virtually any environment, and also remove the need to eat, sleep, and pass waste. The rings can translate practically any language in the Universe. They possess powerful sensors that can identify and analyze objects. Lanterns are granted full access to all Guardian knowledge by their rings, through the Book of Oa.
A noteworthy power the rings do not have is the ability to automatically heal injuries, though they can provide shielding. In Hal Jordan’s origin story, Abin Sur passed on his ring to Hal because he was unable to treat his own fatal injuries. If the Green Lantern happens to be a skilled physician, then the ring can be invaluable as it can conjure any conceivable medical tool, but it cannot do much for a Lantern who lacks medical expertise. When Hal Jordan breaks his arm, the best he can do is conjure a cast. This is further extended into an ability to replace large sections of one’s injured body with constructs, but this too requires detailed biological knowledge of one’s body and concentration enough to prolong the construct.